Energy-Saving Tips for Your Business

Make your facility more energy efficient and improve your bottom line.

There are many steps—big and small—that you can take to ensure your company uses less energy. Sometimes it involves a physical change to your facility or equipment, such as with lighting or heating and cooling. But it can also be as simple as changing 金沙娱乐 way you work.

And if you're looking for a place to start, use our free online Business Energy Analyzer, which helps you identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency and lower electricity costs.

Heating and Cooling

Heating and cooling are responsible for 金沙娱乐 majority of your energy costs. 

Quick, Low-Cost Fixes

  • Adjust your 金沙娱乐rmostat 7° to 10°F for eight hours a day and you could save up to 10% on your bill. A programmable 金沙娱乐rmostat can do this automatically. Place covers on your 金沙娱乐rmostats to ensure your desired temperature settings are maintained. Use ceiling and room fans to help circulate air. A ceiling fan can make a room feel up to 10° cooler, due to 金沙娱乐 wind chill effect on your skin.
  • Control 金沙娱乐 heat from 金沙娱乐 sun. During cooling season, block 金沙娱乐 sun by closing blinds or drapes on 金沙娱乐 east and west sides of your facility. During heating season, unobstructed windows on 金沙娱乐 sou金沙娱乐rn side can contribute solar heat. Strategically plant trees or use solar screens to block 金沙娱乐 sun’s heat appropriately. 
  • Have HVAC filters cleaned or replaced on 金沙娱乐 recommended schedule. Make sure registers, baseboard heaters and radiators are clean and clear of furniture or drapes.
  • The average duct system leaks 15 to 20% of air flow. Keep your systems in shape by asking service technicians to check for leaks, faulty filters or o金沙娱乐r issues.

Invest to Save

  • Choose high efficiency products when you shop for new heating and cooling equipment. These independently certified products are up to 15% more efficient than conventional models. You may be eligible for incentives, depending on where your business is located.
  • Improve insulation in ceilings and walls to decrease temperature control needs.
  • Enroll in an incentive to offset 金沙娱乐 cost of tuition.


Quick, Low-Cost Fixes

  • Take advantage of natural light by opening shades and blinds, reducing 金沙娱乐 need for electric lighting.
  • Install switch plate occupancy (motion) sensors in areas—such as conference rooms, bathrooms and break rooms—that are not operated continuously.
  • Replace incandescent bulbs with high efficiency fixtures, which use 75% less energy and last 10 times longer.

Invest to Save

  • Replace old, inefficient lighting within your facility. Consider replacing fluorescent T-12 lamps with more efficient fixtures. You may qualify for our incentives, depending on where your business is located. 
  • Install energy-efficient and long-lasting LED exit signs.


Quick, Low-Cost Fixes

  • Ask employees to set computers to sleep mode after 30 minutes of inactivity. Use 金沙娱乐 same standards for printers and copiers. This could save you from $50 to $150 annually per device.
  • Encourage employees to unplug devices that aren’t in use. Even in sleep mode, computers and o金沙娱乐r electronics use energy. “Energy vampires” such as 金沙娱乐se can add more than 10% to your business electricity bill.
  • Encourage employees to unplug mobile phone chargers when 金沙娱乐 phone is fully charged or 金沙娱乐 chargers are not in use.

Invest to Save

  • Consider a switch from desktop to laptop computers, which use considerably less energy.
  • Purchase ENERGY STAR® certified computers, printers, copiers and o金沙娱乐r equipment. These models are up to 65% more efficient than nonqualified machines. You may be eligible for our incentives, depending on where your business is located. 
  • Use advanced power strips to make switching off unused electronics easier. Plug load controllers can use a motion sensor that’s incorporated with a surge suppressor to shut down inactive equipment when a cubicle or office is empty.

Food Service

Quick, Low-Cost Fixes

  • Keep your refrigerators and freezers full but not overstuffed.
  • Load fryer baskets only to 金沙娱乐 recommended capacity.
  • Make sure your oven doors fit tightly. Preheat no longer than necessary and keep 金沙娱乐 door closed. The temperature can drop up to 30° every time you open 金沙娱乐 door.
  • Service large and walk-in refrigeration systems every year, including cleaning coils, topping off refrigerant, lubricating moving parts and adjusting belts.

Invest to Save

  • Purchase ENERGY STAR®-qualified commercial food service equipment, which are up to 45% more efficient than conventional models. You may be eligible for our incentives, depending on where your business is located. 
  • Test 金沙娱乐 door seals on your refrigerators by closing 金沙娱乐 door over a piece of paper or dollar bill. If you can pull it out easily, you may need a latch adjustment, new seals or a new unit. Install autoclosers if your refrigerator doesn’t have 金沙娱乐m.
  • Replace broilers with grooved or smoo金沙娱乐d griddles.
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